Kamen d.d. Pazin


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New stone splitting line

We are honoured to publish KAMEN d.d. received formal approval of project co-financing of “New stone splitting line” issued by “Norway financial mechanism 2014-2021- Norway Grants” co-financed through Programme “Business Development and Innovation Croatia”. (more…)

The 44th Mediterranean Sculpture Symposium was held in the Sculpture Park

„I observed already rare sculptors who by sharp chisel remove one after another part of hard curtain and shade from a stone block, as to, unpatiently, make appearance to a figure, a  good known shape, an object that transforms into a living symbol of human work. There is a long road from stone block to a piece of art. In order to reach that road, you need to have a good eye, mind, consistency – and overall – a spirit. (…) (more…)

A new resin line

This week, the long-awaited realization of an extremely valuable project named – Modernisation of a resin line has ocurred. (more…)

Contract of service supply concluded on December 30th 2021

Within the project of purchasing resin treatment line legal entity KAMEN d.d. in the process of direct procurement has conluded with legal entity BDO CROATIA d.o.o., Radnička cesta 180, Zagreb, OIB 76394522236, Contract of service supply from December 30th 2021 for providing of auditing services of accounting/financial reports in compliance with auditing standard ISA 805. (more…)

Contract of performance of works concluded on Decemeber 23rd 2021.

Within the project of purchasing resin treatment line legal entity KAMEN d.d. in the process of direct procurement has conluded with legal entity PLETER d.o.o., Istarskih narodnjaka 16, Pazin, OIB 21263708276, Contract of performance of works from December 23rd 2021 for deinstallation of existing parts of resin line and construction works for installation of new resin line. (more…)

Co-financing of a new resin line

In July this year, the company “Kamen” d.d. funds have been approved by the Norwegian fund to co-finance a new resin line. The project is supported by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, within the Business Development and Innovation Croatia Program. (more…)

Zatvaranje 31. izdanja Međunarodne studentske kiparske škole Montraker

U subotu, 11. rujna u prekrasnom ambijentu kamenoloma Montraker u Vrsaru, održalo se svečano zatvaranje 31. izdanja Međunarodne studentske kiparske škole Montraker.
Među onima koji su ove godine Školi podarili svoja djela, je i naš kamenoklesar Deni Krizmanić.
„Kamen Pazin” ponosni je sponzor koji podupire Školu od samih početaka darujući kamene blokove za izradu skulptura, čiji je impresivni fond do sada dosegao ukupno 156 skulptura.

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